Contraception Interventions
About Contraception Interventions
Hormonal IUDs are excellent for women who want reliable, long-term contraceptive. Mirena in particular is very effective at reducing bleeding symptoms for women who suffer from both heavy periods and pain symptoms.
If your GP has referred you for a mirena Dr Brown will revisit your history and ensure it is suitable for your needs. The risks and side effects will be discussed. A script will be provided if not already.
The mirena can be inserted in the rooms (with N2O gas) or it can be done under a general anaesthetic as a day procedure. If your preference is to have it on the day, this can be arranged. Following insertion, we recommend simple analgesia (paracetamol and ibuprofen) to help with the cramping.
A follow up 6 week visit is arranged to check the IUD strings and your symptoms. If there are any concerns prior to this review, don’t hesitate to contact the rooms earlier.
The hormonal IUD can stay in for up to 5 years but it can be taken out sooner if you wish.