Cervix Procedures
About the LLETZ procedure
If the results of the colposcopy reveal a high grade abnormality (CIN II or III) then a LLETZ (large loop excision of the transformation zone) is performed. This procedure can be performed in rooms or as a day procedure (in hospital).
A cone biopsy may be required, in some occasions if a greater depth of biopsy is needed. Very similar to the LLETZ, however only performed in hospital and again as a day procedure.
In both cases the specimen is sent for histopathological testing.
More information about the lletz procedure
What symptoms to expect after a lletz procedure?
Light bleeding - 85% women experience light bleeding which can continue for up to 4 weeks
Vaginal discharge can arise in 65% of women
Pain – crampy pain like a period can arise for a couple of weeks.
What can’t I do after a lletz procedure?
No swimming in pools/baths or intercourse is advised for this recovery period for 3 weeks.
Will a lletz procedure cause me to be infertile?
NO. A lletz will not affect your fertility. It does however slightly increase your risk of preterm delivery prior to 37 weeks to 2%. The risk is higher with repeated treatments or when the depth of excision is greater than 10mm.